Week 28 - Vetrinitsi Ecovillage Interview

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  1. When did you first hear about Permaculture and why were you interested?

It was about  on the 13th of March Fukoaka`s student online course. We were not happy about artificial food . We were thinking to have children. We decided that our children should not eat those fake food. Also searched away organic food coming from permaculture idea. 

  1. Where did you take your PDC course and when?

Fukuoka`s student online course. Second course was taken in Greece with Misho and       Annelies. 

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from the course - what made the biggest impact at the 


Learning the ethics and principles. Many young parents are interested to immigrate to rural areas. Permaculture ethics, sustainability gave me hope to keep going. 

  1. What did you gain or learn on the course that you didn’t expect?

Refresh your knowledge about permaculture. Easy to forget. I thought I will learn how to grow food. However permaculture is such a big world. 

  1. What is your personal definition of Permaculture?

Ethics are really explaining what permaculture really is. People care, earth care and fair share. 

  1. How has Permaculture changed your life?

Changed us a lot.Twisted everything 180 degrees.We are very close to nature.  We do not have a job anymore 9 to 5.


  1. What was your first design or what did you do after the PDC?

            Grey water system. In this case the wetlands plants were being supported by the extra water and they were supporting the greywater system by filtering the water. Reedbed plants, bamboo and comfrey are great plants for that.

  1. What part of the theory was the most useful to put into practice?

All of it. There is nothing more important than another. Everything permaculture has input.

  1. After the course, how much extra studying or learning did you do on this topic?

            Different things. Everyday I check social media groups and read. Trying to implement          new things.        


  1. What mistakes did you learn from?

Permaculture teaches us small steps each time. 4 years ago I took a big step and rented big field resources to work. I need to make small steps, make more observations and plan..

  1. Can you think of a time or a person that you had a positive impact on in relation to Permaculture?

Plenty. Support and inspire each other. Quite a lot of people come and visit us. We made an activity and land  walnut forest as a community. Organized events in our garden, community center in Chitaliste 

  1. What are the main challenges for you when designing or when implementing your designs?

Making a design is not challenging. You know how to make a design. Implementation, resources, people are challenging. You do a lot of work. Blood and tears.

  1. How do you manage to irrigate your landscape?

I managed to irrigate with rain water. Next project is to bring water with ram pumps through the valley.

  1. If you could go back in time and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

We did what was right. People are struggling when a mistake happens to them. When we are younger we do not have experience. We need to learn that`s why it has happened to us.

  1. What are the long term goals and or visions of your project? 

Show our vision to our kids. Treat the earth well and care for each other. Be better beings. Our goal is to represent permaculture for the rest of our life. Our vision is to create an educational center. 



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