Week 17 - New table and a pond
We spent our morning on transporting chairs and tables from the mayor's office back to the pensioners hub. Rux drove the car while me and Hekim accompanied her as passengers. Our mission was to get all the chairs and tables away from the mayor's office because the course was done and they were not needed there any more. Using the trailer we managed to get the job done fast and after this we returned home.
Later that day we continued with the solidarity project. There was a lot of work to do and it seemed that it is impossible to accomplish this in given time. We had 2 weeks to finish the project writing. Especially when it will be 1 individual less in the upcoming week - Fanny had a 7 day vacation ahead.
Visiting elderly families is still in our schedule. So we did it this week too. Me and Fanny were in the house writing solidarity project.
This day was focused on the solidarity project. Even Hekim helped us. Kristiana and Hrissy visited us to have a meeting and to brainstorm ideas together. It went really well despite the fact that our house wifi didn't work from time to time. The outcome of this meeting was real success because many minds focused on one goal gives more results than single one struggling on its own. While there was no internet and we couldn't put down any text we talked about our countries history and found many similarities between Turkey, Bulgaria, France and Estonia.
On this day, all of us started working outside the house in the garden. Darren visited us to help us to build a pond and provide all necessary tools for building a new table. Last one came to us as a really pleasant surprise because we were meant to build only a pond on this day and the table has been on my mind for the last couple of weeks. But we didn't had a chance to start building this just because we didn't had the tools. Now that Darren brought all the tools we finally made a table which looks nicer than the previous one. I am really happy for this new table. I am also happy because other guys created a pond for which they used my design. Little ego boost. But that is not the point. More important is the fact that on this day we worked a lot and the fruits of our work are clearly visible and measurable. I was a really good day.
Another meeting with Kristiana and Hrissy on saturday. This time we had Stoyan with us too. We managed to cover many important parts of the solidarity project. Our meeting lasted 3 hours and in the end me and Stoyan headed to the gym.
On sunday Julian packed his bag and continued his journey to Iceland. He left some of his stuff in the house for some reason. Don't know, didn't ask, but these are there and at some point someone has to deal with this pile of clothes.
- Markus
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