Week 30 Hotnitsa interview


  1. When did you first hear about Permaculture and why were you interested?

-It was about 15 years ago. I have always been interested in different eco sustainable life practices and in permaculture I find all in one.

  1. Where did you take your PDC course and when?

-I took my  PDC in Croatia in 2017.

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from the course - what made the biggest impact at the time?

- Definitely - how to make hot compost. And of course meeting very interesting and inspiring people.

  1. What did you gain or learn on the course that you didn’t expect?

- I already knew a lot about permaculture and have started my own project. I learned more about water management, composting. It was interesting for me to see how the Croatian  permaculture is developing. I remember that then I decided to start designing for other people, so it was an inspirational course.

  1. What is your personal definition of Permaculture?

- Permaculture for me is a way of living, it is a mindset.Permaculture is a system for how to design our living on the Earth today so we have a tomorrow.

  1. How has Permaculture changed your life?

- Totally, I moved from the big city into a small village and yes, it was a life change, I believe for the better!

  1. What was your first design or what did you do after the PDC?

- Oh, I am not sure that I remember well. I started hot composting! The first design was of a community centre.

  1. What part of the theory was the most useful to put into practice?

- again about composting. Also the process of the design.

  1. After the course, how much extra studying or learning did you do on this topic?

- About composting a lot. About the design process - I am still learning new things as every design is different.

  1. What mistakes did you learn from?

- I suppose to estimate very well the input and output of energy you can invest in a design in order to achieve success and permanence.

  1. Can you think of a time or a person that you had a positive impact on in relation to Permaculture?

Permaculture met me with a lot of wonderful people, great friendships were made and I am very thankful!

  1. What are the main challenges for you when designing or when implementing your designs?

- The main challenges are People, the expectations of people, they usually are inspired and want to make and do a lot of things but are not thinking about maintaining it and the implementation as well.

  1. How do you manage to irrigate your landscape?

- rain water and pumped water from the well is collected into water tanks. The water tanks are connected with a drip irrigation system around the main part of the garden where most of the annual plants are based.

  1. If you could go back in time and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

- A good question! To learn to graft trees. To work more for improving the soil. But I am also thankful for all the mistakes as it is a way of learning,

  1. What are the long term goals and or visions of your project?

- Self-sustainability.


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